This time last week we were putting the final preparations in place for our final SEDAbuzz and ShowNight for 2015 and I think it’s fair to say that based on the comments we got on the day we did a fine job!

There are a few people we really need to say thank you to, firstly all of our speakers, Matt Hodkinson, Kevin McNally, Martin Keogh and Chris Giles.  They all came up with some great content for our delegates and i’m sure everyone took something away they can use and apply to their own business.

A big thanks also to SEDA member Adam Hetherington and his team from Starlight Dance Floors for sponsoring the event and providing the PA, microphones, staging, lecturns and lighting.  He’s helped us set the benchmark now for future events whilst also giving you a taster of the support services his business can offer you as a performer.

And finally a MASSIVE thanks to ALL the delegates, it was great to see so many of you there and thank you, thank you, thank you for supporting this event.  Planning is already in place for our next event so keep an eye on social media and your inboxes for more information on that!

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