Evolution vs Implementation

Evolution vs Implementation

There’s a lot of talk right now about evolution, our own evolution. Brian Mole took us on a journey at the last SEDA ShowNight with his inheritance tracks, his musical history and how he has evolved from that. SEDA itself is evolving.  We started this year with...
September ShowNight

September ShowNight

If you didn’t make it down to ShowNight last night then you missed a treat as we announced that SEDA is moving once more “back home” to what is considered by many to be our “home” – The Village Hotel in Maidstone!  The announcement...
Love Hurts…your Wallet!

Love Hurts…your Wallet!

Ok before we start I just want you to know that today i’m going to expose the wedding DJ industry for what it truly is.  I am going to reveal what a bunch of scammers we all are, preying on unsuspecting couples, charging a huge wedding tax compared to other...

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